Tuesday, October 30, 2007

NFS Configuration

We will configure NFS, whereby we will mount /test directory on the other machine

NFS Server Configuration:

Create a Directory which we need to Mount using NFS

#mkdir /test

Start the following services :

#service portmap start

#service nfs start

#service nfslock start

Edit the following file:

#vi /etc/exportfs

/test xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx(ro,sync,no_root_squash)

(xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx replace it with NFS client IP address)

save the file

#export -avr

NFS Client Configuration:

Start the following services

#service nfs start

#service nfslock start

#service portmap start

Create a directory:

#mkdir test1

#mount xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/test /test1

(xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx replace it with NFS server IP Address)

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