Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Squid Proxy Configuration

The SQUID is a Linux based utility that can be used to distribute internet to all the computers within the network

Squid configuration file : squid.conf

Location: /etc/squid

Edit the squid.conf file

#vi squid.conf

(Search for the default acl list and add the following)

acl mynetwork src xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxx / xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (subnet)
acl mynetwork src xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx / xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (for individual IP)

Then add acl (access control list) to the "http_access list" with the following line

http_access allow mynetwork

Default port is always 3128

You can comment this line and add any specific port we require

http_port 3128

Once the above mentioned changes has been done, save the file

Restart the squid service

#/etc/rc.d/init.d/squid restart

or we can use the following command

#squid -z


One the client system , just all the proxy IP address (Squid Server IP address) and port 3128 or any other port specified in squid.conf file

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